Once again a warning to mankind nobody will heed
For me, the scientist, the stark difference between public “discourse” and the problems we are really facing, globally, in this century, causes an almost unbearable soul wrenching pain. Here is an example from within my scientific communities — warnings that largely go unheard these days:
“”Humanity has a narrow window of time to choose a path for the future from two options. One is the continuation of the current ways. This will lead to further social conflicts, likely another global war, and probably to an end of civilization as we know it, if not to the end of Homo sapiens.
“The other option is to adopt the ways of nature in concert with reason, logical thinking, and science to assure a peaceful future. The way will be long, tedious, arduous, and will require a profound change in the way man views his life.”
Yuji Ishiguro shares thoughts on how we can pursue the second path in this week’s post to the MAHB Blog.