Books – fiction and non-fiction
Commercially published
- Star Trek Science – die Zukunft hat schon begonnen / Star Trek Science – the future is already here (popular science, ECON, 1997)
- Genterror und Lebenspatente / Gene-Terror and Life Patents (popular science, Verlag die Grüne Kraft, 2003)
- Der vierte Affe – wie wir heute denken müssen, um morgen zu überleben / The Fourth Monkey: How we have to think today to survive tomorrow (popular science, a book on the global environment in the context of the precautionary principle from a systems perspective, Beustverlag, 2004
- Das Buch der Macht / The Book of the Force (MindQuest, 1999, Beam Bibliothek / Bastei Lübbe 2006)
Self published / BOD and unpublished
- Climate Poker (MindQuest, 1999, English, based on Master’s thesis, Univ. London / King’s College, includes the „Warning to the World“ of all living Nobel Laureates of the sciences, re-published with permission of the Union of Concerned Scientists)
- Rabenwelt / Raven World (novel, MindQuest, 1999)
- das verbotene Buch / The forbidden Book (MindQuest, 2000)
- Trek Science – with warp-speed into the future? (formerly published by ECON as „Star Trek Science“, extended new edition MindQuest, 2001, self pusblished via BOD as further extended and updated edition in 2008, now including comprehensive interviews with Michio Kaku und Rupert Sheldrake)
- Chili Cola (non fiction/Essay, unpublished, 1990)
- Kontaktprobleme / Contact Problems (Science-fiction novel, unpublished, 1989, published in parts as short stories.)
Some peer-reviewed scientific publications
- Aqua Solaris – an optimized small scale desalination system with 40 litres output per square meter based upon solar thermal distillation (Desalination Journal 182, Elsevier, 2005)
- Marine Reverse Osmosis for Rural Communities in Developing Countries, ADU-RES Project Report, March 2006
- Beyond Pilot Projects: The Feasibility of Immediate Technology Transfer from Tried and Tested Maritime and Offshore Reverse Osmosis Systems to Stationary Solar and Wind Powered Desalination Solutions, NATO Security through Science – Solar Desalination for the 21st Century, Springer, Nov. 2006)
- Weiterentwicklungen in der Drainback Technologie führen zu überraschenden Resultaten für solarthermische Anlagen, Erneuerbare Energien (Renewable Energy Magazine) no. 12/2006
- Vom Schlachthof zum Solarkraftwerk – Nahwärmenetz in einem Wohngebiet (RE, no. 1/2007, in IKZ Haustechnik magazine 12, 2007, also re-published in the „Deutsches Ingenieurblatt“ 10/07)
- Stabil bei jedem Wetter. Statische Auslegung solarer Montagesysteme (together with Udo Geisel, in „sbz Sanitär-, Heizungs-, Klima- und Klempnertechnik“ Jg.: 62, no.11, 2007)
- Simple and Safe Solar Heating: A Whole Systems Approach, Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, Hilo, Hawaii, 2009
- 100% Renewable Energy Based Electricity Production in the Philippines: A Real Possibility or a Political Pipe Dream?, Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, Hilo, Hawaii, 2016
Scientific presentations and university publications
- The Future of Energy (Honeywell Futurist Competition, 1989)
- Evaluierung des Einflusses von Strahlungsprozessen in Klimamodellen, Institute for Geography at the WWU Münster, 1992
- Der Astrometriesatellit HIPPARCOS – ein neuer Standard für kosmische Referenzsysteme, Institute of Astronomy at the WWU Münster, 1992
- Langfristige Aussagekraft Eindimensionaler Klimamodelle, Institute for Geography at the WWU Münster, 1992.
- Austauschprozesse an der Grenzfläche Atmosphäre – Ozean, Institut für Geographie, WWU Münster 1993
- Die Rolle Kosmischen Staubes in der Stellaren Evolution, Institute of Astronomy at the WWU Münster, 1993
- NASAs SETI Target Selection Strategy, Institute of Astronomy at the WWU Münster, 1995
- Bioastronomy in the Solar System, in partial fulfillment of Dissertation requirement, Honolulu U. & Institute of Astronomy at the WWU Münster, 1997
- Long Term Stability of Planetary Ecosystems, in partial fulfillment of Dissertation requirement, Honolulu U. & Institute of Astronomy at the WWU Münster, 1997
- Detection of Extrasolar Planets and their Relevance for Bioastronomy, in partial fulfillment of Dissertation requirement, Honolulu U. & Institute of Astronomy at the WWU Münster, 1997
- Far-out Possibilities for Contact with Extraterrestrial Civilizations and Interstellar Travel, in partial fulfillment of Dissertation requirement, Honolulu U. & Institute of Astronomy at the WWU Münster, 1997
- Bioastronomy as a Means for Science Teaching and the Popularization of Science, in partial fulfillment of Dissertation requirement, Honolulu U. & Institute of Astronomy at the WWU Münster, 1997
- The Effectiveness of Regional Climate Policies in the City of Münster, Masters Thesis in Geography, King’s College, University of London, 1998
- Environmental Impact Assessment of Deep Ocean Sequestration of CO2 off the Kona Coast, expert report for the parliament of Hawai’i (House) of Hawaii and Kahea, the native Hawaiian environmental alliance, 1999
- Ozean Düngung – eine Methode zur Erzeugung künstlicher CO2 Senken?, Colloquium presentation, Center for Tropical Marine Biology, U. of Bremen, 1999.
- Der Einfluß von Eutrophierung auf die Trinkwasserversorgung, Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology / University of Hagen, 2002
- Reduzierung schiffartsbedingter Umweltrisiken in der Kadetrinne, Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology / University of Hagen, 2002
- Aqua Solaris – a New Concept for Solar Thermal Desalination, Conference on Desalination and Environment, European Desalination Society, Poster Presentation, Santa Marguerita, May, 2005 (received award for best poster, endowed with € 600, among approx. 100 posters)
- Solar Thermal Desalination – a Solution for Rural Areas in Developing Countries? Invited talk, ADU-RES Conference, Hammamet, Sept. 2005
- Marine Reverse Osmosis Technology Transfer – a Way out of the Water Crisis? Invited talk. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Solar Desalination, Hammamet, under the „Science for Peace and Security“ umbrella program, February 2006, see also under „scientific publications“ above.
- Bycatch – can we ever eliminate it completely, or is it a necessary evil of the fishing industry?, University of Exeter, 2008
- Bycatch – or Searching an Ethics for the Ocean, OpEd News, opeds 7/1/2010
- Das Hawaiianische Ahupua’a aus Sicht des Heutigen ICZM, Annual conference of the Arbeitsreis Meere und Küsten (Working group Seas and Coasts) within the German Geographical Society, 2008
- Marine Protected Areas – a valuable tool for Conservation and Fisheries Management?, University of Exeter, 2008
- Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Germany – an Overview, UNESCO IHE, 2008
- A Critical View of ICM Practices in Germany, UNESCO IHE, 2008
- Fictivia – an Integrated Approach to Coastal Management and Economic Development, UNESCO IHE, 2008
- 100 % Sustainable Energy for the Philippine Islands, Presentation at the Europa Universität Flensburg, dept. of Environment and Resource Economics Ph.D. Seminar, September 2013
- Long Term Sustainability for the Republika Ng Pilipinas, European University Flensburg, dept. of Environment and Resource Economics Ph.D. Seminar, September 2015
Arrticles (popular science, activism, PR; selection)
- Wann ist Forschung Legitim? Sagenhafte Zeiten, no. 2, 1998
- Interstellare Fernerkundung und ihre Möglichkeiten – die Suche nach Leben im All / The Possibilities and Limitations of Interstellar Remote Sensing, popular science / astronomy, Sagenhafte Zeiten, no. 1, 2002
- Meister von Raum und Zeit – die Sagenhaften Welten der String Theorie, Sagenhafte Zeiten, no. 1, 2004
- Lebendige Raumschiffe und Intelligente Saurier – Interview with Prof. Michio Kaku, Sagenhafte Zeiten, no. 2, 2004
- Wasser aus der Sonne – oder wie man die Wüste begrünt, Conrad – the Magazine of the University of Münster Alumni Club, Münster, 2005
- Das kreative Universum – ein Gespräch mit Rupert Sheldrake, Sagenhafte Zeiten, no. 2, 2006
- Sonne mit System – Leistungsstarke Systemtechnologie in den Bereichen Solarstrom, Pelletheizung und Solarwärme, (Titel Story, Wagner & Co Aktuell, März 2007)
- Campen mit der Sonne (Hagia Chora 27, 2007)
- Sonnige Gemüter auf Burg Ludwigstein (Hagia Chora 30, 2008)
- Politik und Wirklichkeit (, 10/2004)
- Empire of Greed, (Baltimore Chronicle, 02.10.08; also in, 10/2008)
- Non Traditional Education for Filipinos in Europe (Munting Nayon, 1995)
- Off-Grid Know How from Wagner & Co Connects Countryside to The Net, Alternative Energy Magazine, Aug. 2009
- Die 7 Welten von Trappist 1 – Reiseziele wohin das Auge blickt? Popular science / Astronomy, Sagenhafte Zeiten 06/2017, updated version also as book contribution to Galaktische Horizonte
- More than 200 additional newspaper and magazine publications, print and Online, many within the general field of energy, environment and sustainability
Short stories, commercially published
- Raytracing Trap (Science Fiction, c’t Magazin für Computertechnik, 5, 1995, shortlisted for the Kurt Lasswitz Prize)
- Jupiter (fantastic short story, literature magazin „der Sperling“, issue „Planeten“, 2006)
Book contributions as Co-Author, editor or consultant
- Caroline (scientific advisor; creative consultant; Novel of the Max Winter series of thriller by Felix Thijssen, 2003, published in German by Grafit Verlag, Dortmund)
- SETI (scientific advisor, by Tobias Daniel Wabbel, Beustverlag, 2002)
- Solarwärme Optimal Nutzen / Optimal use of Solar Heat (by Norbert Schreier et al; Rotamedia Verlag, editorial work, 2007)
- Technisches Handbuch 2007 – Technik, Planung, Montage (380 pages, editor & co-author, German edition, Wagner & Co Verlag)
- Technisches Handbuch 2008 – Solarthermie, Pelletheiztechnik, Photovoltaik (490 pages, editor & co-author, Wagner & Co Verlag; Herausgeber und Redakteur)
- Technical Handbook 2009 – Solar Heating and Solar Electricity (324 pages, editor, translator, author, Wagner & Co Verlag)
- Technical Handbook 2011 – Solar Heating and Solar Electricity (523 pages, editor, translator, author, Wagner & Co Verlag)
- Jäger verlorenen Wissens, popular science book contributions, Erich v. Däniken, 2004
- Brisante Archäologie, popular science book contributions, edited and published by Erich von Däniken, 2008
- Roadmap for the Development of Desalination Powered by Renewable Energy (co-author), edited by Michael Papapetrou et al, Fraunhofer ISE, 2010
- Galaktische Horizonte / Galactic Horizons, popular science book contribution, edited and published by Erich v. Däniken, 2018
- In Memoriam Hilmar Duerbeck, Acta Historica Astronomiae, ed. by
Other media
- Participation in half hour TV show for the German popular science TV magazine „Planetopia“ about the topic „Star Trek und die Wissenschaft“ (Star Trek and Science), also before the camera, 2002)
- Participation in half hour radio production on „exotic“ university subjects, Leonardo, WDR 5, 2003)
- Co-Autor of a 13t part science fiction series for the Dutch TV („de Anderen“, Maggan Films, 1997, in cooperation with Felix Thijssen)
- Various training videos (Text & conception) on solar technology installation (Wagner & Co, 2009)
- Development of online Moodle courses
And much more…
Numerous formal and informal Internet publications, internal corporate communications, expert opinions and reports covered by confidentiality agreements, blogs, articles, poetry, fiction and scientific contributions at formal and informal scientific conferences and meetings, all in German and English.